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We are a non-profit working to help bring hope and smiles to hurting people. You can give a tax deuctable gift today on our secure paypal link. 

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One Touch

Over 160 million people in India are called "Untouchable," people tainted by their birth into a caste system that deems them impure, less than human.







$8=1Child school supplies and daily lunch.




Project "One Touch" was birthed in my heart in 2009. While visiting a leper colony in India. I looked into the smiling eyes of a 5 year old girl, whose father and mother are lepers. I asked her what did she want more than anything, she said, "will you touch me." My heart was filled with emotion as I reach out my hand, both of us trembling our hands touched. Our goal is to start a One Touch school.


Kingdom Of Heaven Embassy Inc.

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Thousands of children need help everyday. Over 6,200 people groups in asia are still in need of clean water! Over 100,000 children need shoes and clothing today. The areas of service we help in are: 1. World Hunger 2. Clean Drinking Water 3. Housing for the Leper 4. Clothing for the poor 5. Heathcare & Spiritual health 6. Prision Improvement planning 7. Community Education

Serving The Body Of Christ In These Locations

CO, USA  /  Juarez, MX  /   Chenni, India  /  Jakarta, Indonesia  /  Saint Mark, Hait

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