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Current Opportunity:

Full Time Missions Funding 

​Section One:

Hello Family of God,

We hope everything is going well with you. We can’t believe another year is come and gone! It’s been too long since we’ve spoken, and we just wanted to reconnect, and let you know about some of the great things that are happening in our life.

Work has been going pretty well lately. Pastor Debbie is doing well, our most recent journey was our outreach to Jarez, MX. Christmas of 2012. We had never been there, and we had an amazing time being there for a few days. Since then, we have been working with the Indonesian church community in various capacities. 

We are also growing closer to God through our experiences within our extended church family, Bethany International Community COG and Indonesian Pentecostal Revival Fellowship. Being immersed in these cultural communities has really given us a strong passion now to see how God is working in a completely different part of our world.

My wife and I have, in a sense, not been obedient to the complete calling of God for our lives. We have lived the past 20 years seeking to live out the plan the purpose and vision God has placed in our hearts. We have had many amazing prophecies and words of encouragement the Holy Spirit has given us to trust in the calling of God.

Over the years, we have met and supported people who have stood where we are today launching out by faith into the calling of God! For many years I said “One day, I am going to the mission field.” I did not know when.

Recently, while waiting for a plane, on our way to minister at IPRF Las Vegas, we received a word from the Lord. A total stranger came up to us weeping and trembling. She told us in summary that God is with us every step of the way and that He will use us to bring many souls into the Kingdom. She told us after she finished that she had told God she couldn't give us a word because her English is not good, but God told her He would give her the words. We are so grateful that she obeyed.

At the very beginning of 2013, the Lord spoke clearly to my heart “In the fall of 2013 you are going to Asia. I am sending you to live there for a period of five years to preach the gospel of the kingdom of Heaven so that the end of the age will come!”  He continued to say, “2013 is a transition year for you to go from your job to the ministry which I have called you.”  Then I heard these words, “My son, fear not, for the rest of your life you will have the rain of My glory. You will now live fishing for men!”

​Section Two:

As thrilling as that was, I know in order for it to come to pass, I must surrender to His will and say “Yes” to this word. One thing I know for sure, it is only by grace that we can obey the voice of the Lord and as for me I must follow His heart!


Debbie and I have a mission organization that we started four years ago when we began to make yearly trips to India and other parts of Asia. It is called Kingdom Of Heaven Embassy Inc. It is a 501c3 tax exempt organization in good standing. 

We know it is a tool to use in these last days. We believe in light of the current direction world governments are leading their countries that it is more important than ever before to take the Gospel of the Kingdom into all the World. We know we have been called into the service of the Lord for such a time as this!


Let us share with you briefly about where we plan to go. As the Lord wills, we will be flying from the US to Chennai India December 2. We will begin our stay in a village called Santhinagar. Last year the Lord allowed us to finish a church building which had been in process since 2008. This is where we are praying to establish our disicpleship training center. Then we will be spending time with another ministry in Nelore. From there we will be spending Christmas in Namavaram and Chintalapudi. Then we will be going to Rajamundry to spend time with our director and his family doing the work of the ministry there.  

After India, we plan to be in Indonesia March, April, and May. Our itenerary is still being developed, but we know that God has very special plans for us there. We have a desire to reach out to the poor, youth and children there. We love going from house to house and praying for the sick and other needs.  We also love having home fellowships as well as meeting in churches. 


Beyond your prayers, if you are led to join us by financially funding a portion of this Kingdom mission, we would be grateful. Our ministry needs to raise just over $50,000.00 to launch out for the next two years. We know we have to be prayerful to raise the money, so we want to extend an invitation to you to participate. To make it as easy as possible, we have a secure website link with paypal for the process of giving, or we invite you to write a check to Kingdom Of Heaven Embassy Inc.

After this journey, we will be following the voice of the Lord to the next destination. Asia is a vast region with a huge population that still needs to hear the good news! God bless you and thankyou for letting us share our hearts with you.


Pastor William and Debbie Hardrick

Current Opportunity:

Full Time Missions Funding is

Tax Deductable and Secure Via Paypal

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Serving The Body Of Christ In These Locations

CO, USA  /  Juarez, MX  /   Chenni, India  /  Jakarta, Indonesia  /  Saint Mark, Hait

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